Sunday, February 04, 2007

Argentum Mereor

emerio: to obtain by service, earn completely, deserve well.
mereo: deserve, gain, obtain, serve as a soldier.
mereor: deserve, earn, be entitled to, merit.
promereo: to deserve, merit
promereor: to deserve, merit

emerio: to obtain by service, earn completely, deserve well.
mereo: deserve, gain, obtain, serve as a soldier.
mereor: deserve, earn, be entitled to, merit.

acquiro: to acquire, gain, get, obtain.
expugno: to capture, overcome, subdue, take by storm, gain.
interdico: to forbid, prohibit, outlaw, gain an injunction.
lucror: to gain, profit, win.
lucrum: gain, profit.
mereo: deserve, gain, obtain, serve as a soldier.
percipio: to gain, learn, perceive, understand.
percepi: to gain, learn, perceive, understand.
perceptum: to gain, learn, perceive, understand.
praeda: plunder, booty, spoils of war, loot, gain, prey.
preda: plunder, booty, spoils of war, loot, gain, prey.
quaestuosus: profitable, fond of gain, rich.
questuosus: profitable, fond of gain, rich.

arca: chest, box, money box, coffin, cell.
archa: chest, box, money box, coffin, cell.
argentum: silver, money.
armarium: cupboard, chest, safe (for food, clothing, money).
decoctor: a spendthrift, bankrupt, a fool parted from his money
lacero: to tear to pieces, mangle; squander money; slander someone.
peculium: a bit of money, a small property
pecunia: money.

evigilo: to awaken; be alert, be watchful; [ trans. ] work hard at.
exerceo: to train, cultivate, keep at work, exercise, practice.
facesso: to work zealously, do, accomplish.
factum: deed, accomplishment, work, act, achievement.
insinuo: to insinuate, work one ' s way in, intimate.
labor: hardship, fatigue, distress.
laboris: labor, work, toil
laboro: (intrans.) to work, toil, suffer, be afflicted, be troubled.
occurro: to occur; run to meet, attack; oppose, work against
opera: work, pains, labor.
operor: to work, labor, toil, take pains.
opus: work, labor, work done, completed work, building
operis: work, labor, work done, completed work, building
opusculus: a little or small work, a small book
recolo: reflect upon, consider, recall.
vaco: to be free from work, of a master, of property.

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